Real Estate Services

Property Acquisition &
The principals of Tierra West’s real estate advisory have been involved in analyzing over 40 million square feet, valued in excess of 6 billion dollars. For decades, Tierra West has offered real estate, brokerage and development services to a variety of public agencies and private developers.

Real Estate Economic
​From Financial Analysis & Feasibility Studies to Developer Rate-of-Return Analysis and Underwriter Analysis, we provide the expertise required to assess, plan, and execute successful real estate transactions.

Asset Management
​Our expertise spans from the meticulous preparation of site RFQs and RFPs, to determining your sites highest & best use and soliciting project proposals from developers. Our management of the Developer Selection Process ensures that the right partners are chosen to bring your vision to life.

​Whether it's Commercial Brokerage to help you buy or sell properties, P3 Structuring to create successful public-private partnerships, or Property Marketing Strategies to attract the right audience, we have you covered. We also excel in Transactional Structuring & Financing, ensuring your deals are structured for success.

​From Lease Negotiations, where we secure the best terms for your property agreements; to P3 Structuring, which creates dynamic public-private partnership; and Transactional Structuring and Financing, which ensures your deals are both sound and profitable - Tierra West are your trusted advisors.