Commercial Cannabis Program Administration & Compliance

Tierra West’s retail cannabis support services range from the development of strategic plans for a full public regulatory compliant program, including the drafting of regulatory ordinances and zoning studies, to implementation of economic development and taxation options, procurement services through initiating & managing the applicant RFP process, vetting and ranking applicants, contract administration and compliance, and monitoring services.
Through collaboration with policy makers and industry experts in conjunction with most recent best practices, TWA provides services from inception to project fruition to ensure a compliant, regulated and economically beneficial program for City-administered cannabis operations.
Tierra West has developed a Retail Cannabis Compliance and Administration Program alongside experienced industry leaders that have a proven track record of success and practical experience in this relatively new and developing field. We excel at bringing creative solutions tailored for specific community needs and take a solution-orientated approach based on best practices and in accordance with the applicable cannabis laws and policies of the City and State of California.
Recent relevant cannabis projects include:
City of Anaheim: provided cannabis ordinance and ballot implementation strategies, RFP evaluation instruments, licensing and compliance and monitoring guidance.
City of Anaheim Chamber: acted as lead consultants advising on the development and design of a citywide cannabis program with the objective of generating a regulatory based local industry which would realize revenue for the City.
City of Montebello: ranked/evaluated applicant responses for retail cannabis licensees; continuing implementation services that include planning services and ordinance amendments.
City of Lynwood: provided initial RFP evaluation of cannabis responses for licensees; drafted development agreements, provided planning and implementation services; ordinance amendments.
City of Adelanto: implemented the City ordinance for cannabis responses seeking licensees; planning and building plan review and development; ordinance amendments.
City of Cudahy: provided staff support and oversaw the cannabis program, monitored cannabis-approved operators for compliance (State and local level), including inspections during Tenant improvement buildout and revenue collection during the non-operating and operating period for each licensee.
City of Riverside: administered retail cannabis application process for the City; supported City in creation of application portal, answering public FAQs, and managed all City communications with potential applicants.